SPLASH '11 Workshop: Beyond Green-Field Software

Workshop date:  Sunday October 23, 2011, 8:30am - 5pm
Location:  SPLASH '11 Conference in Portland

Website Contents

Workshop Overview

This is the website for the SPLASH workshop on legacy software issues.

Legacy code can be an asset in the software business, but it can also create a considerable amount of extra work. Most software is not a product of green field development: many development efforts must reuse code and interfaces from pre-existing systems. Change and growth in requirements and functionality occur in every system -- and it is especially critical to manage the evolution process in modern agile software processes. The management of change and growth may in fact become a daily activity, so a well-defined set of techniques and tools for doing reengineering and refactoring are critical to success.

Leveraging existing software assets are even more important in today's web-centric and cloud-based environment. It is easier and faster to build new apps by building adapters and wrappers for legacy systems and components.

Successful projects that use legacy code must pay attention to people, processes, and tools. The goal of this workshop is to identify the issues facing individuals, teams, and companies that need to build on their legacy base. We plan to explore these subjects:

This workshop will cover some of the same topics as our OOPSLA 2003 workshop, and it will address some of the changes in the software industry in the past eight years.

How to join the Workshop

What are your experiences in refactoring, reengineering, and reuse? You can join in on the discussion.  Here is how you can become part of the workshop:

  1. Contact one of the workshop organizers listed below.
  2. Prepare a one-page "position paper" -- containing your ideas, questions, and experiences.  Send your position paper to mancl - AT - alcatel-lucent.com.  The deadline for position papers is August 26.
The workshop is organized as a set of interactive brainstorming and discussion sessions.  The workshop participants will prepare a poster to present at the SPLASH poster session on Monday afternoon.

Workshop committee:

Link to the original workshop proposal: beyond_green_field.pdf

Position Papers

[Position papers will be posted on this website later...]

Extra material

Reports from the OOPSLA 2003 conference:

Useful articles to read before the workshop:

Last modified: May 23, 2011